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Do You Have the Right Business Security System for Your Kansas City Office Building?

2024-02-07T14:56:43-06:00March 1st, 2023|

When it comes to securing your office building, having the right business security systems in Kansas City is crucial. Not only will it protect your property and assets, but it will also provide peace of mind for you and your [...]

How Long is Footage Saved for Video Surveillance Systems in Kansas City?

2024-02-07T14:56:51-06:00February 15th, 2023|

This is a common question we receive in relation to security cameras. To be honest, there isn't a real simple answer. Several variables will affect how your video appears, including the number of cameras you have, how you're recording, how [...]

3 Important Reasons Why You Need Commercial Security Systems in Kansas City

2024-02-07T14:56:58-06:00February 1st, 2023|

Here at Cam-Dex, we know that theft costs businesses lots of money each year. This can include lost profits, inventory discrepancies, and other major expenses. Companies must also account for the expense of retraining new employees and replacing lost ones [...]

4 Essentials for Business and Commercial Security Systems in Kansas City for 2023, Part 2

2024-02-07T14:57:05-06:00January 15th, 2023|

4 Essentials for Business Security Systems in Kansas City for 2023, Part 2 – In part one of our two-part blog series, we discussed two of the most important things to have as part of your commercial security systems in [...]

4 Essentials for Business and Commercial Security Systems in Kansas City for 2023, Part 1

2024-02-07T14:57:12-06:00January 1st, 2023|

4 Essentials for Business and Commercial Security Systems in Kansas City for 2023, Part 1 – When we think of security for our businesses in 2023, the first thing many of us consider is “cyber” security. No doubt, there are [...]

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