Cam-Dex Security Corporation designs and installs X-Ray & Metal Detection Systems to secure baggage, packages, and individuals in high-traffic, high-risk venues.
Routine high-traffic entry and exit x-ray & metal detection screening portals –as well as versatile handheld units – deliver outstanding performance in risk reduction in and around government buildings, correctional facilities, airports, power plants, and schools.
Baggage & Package Screening
Baggage & Package Screening Systems include typical x-ray machines in airports, incoming mail in government buildings, and courthouse entrances for contraband, weapons, or narcotics that could threaten the welfare of the people inside.
Cam-Dex Security Corporation installs and services x-ray machines primarily in government buildings and large corporations where the extra security provided by Baggage & Package Screening Systems is required.
Hand-Held Metal Detectors
Cam-Dex Security Corporation can provide Hand-Held Metal Detectors as well as service them and train client personnel.
Walk-Thru Metal Detectors
Cam-Dex works with our clients to determine the points of entry and exit in and around buildings that need security screening. Then we design and install a custom system to specifically meet each client’s needs.
Contact Us today to speak with one of our experienced security professionals about your specific X-Ray & Metal Detection system needs!